Today, we woke up with no electricity. Actually, at 10:15 pm yesterday our electricity went out. People were screaming, candles were being lit, and flashlights were busted out. I, on the other hand, was peacefully blogging in complete darkness when the electricity went out (that’s why I haven’t posted Monday’s blog up yet.. no internet without electricity, I apologize for the delay). However I knew it was out.. one, because of the screaming.. two, because Bay and I sleep with the fan on.. but its all good. So I woke up, and the electricity was still out. But it didn’t really matter we were off to an island for a little team excursion.
I was excited to have a break from school, plus Mark said this was one of his favorite spots in the world (I know I know bold statement). Also, Mark, Lori, and their 4 kids came as well as Ben, Kim, and their 2 boys, and Spencer, Emily, and little Adam. Even Priscilla (Roy’s daughter who also goes to University in the U.S. with Tom) came with us! It was like a little retreat. So we got in our 2 Matatus, and we headed out. We didn’t know it was going to take so long, and we didn’t know it was going to be another Indian Jones ride.. but it was. Uganda had poor road systems. Well actually the roads are just poor. They are dirt and have lots and lots of ditches (huge ones) especially because of the rain. So after about an hour and a half, we were finally at the spot of the Island. We got out and all took little boats, kinda like the canoe we took in Panama (but smaller).
Once we got to the actually site of where we were staying, we went to check out our girl’s “dorm” as it was labeled on the tomato can that was connected to the key. Your basic cabin with bunk beds, however we did have individual “PRINCESS NETS.” Yup, that’s right, you know what I mean if you’ve been following my blog… mosquito nets! Then it was time to take a look around. It was hot, but beautiful. The sounds of the water, plus the running water and small waterfalls as well as the beautiful greenery made this place a little bit of bliss. Of course there were a lot of flies, but it’s all good.. come on, beggars can’t be choosers.
So after I had a little tour, it was time for lunch. YES. CHAPATTI and curry! Eat it up! After lunch, I did my textbook reading and then sat by the water to soak in all of God’s beauty. Before I knew it, Pricilla came to sit by me, then Brian, and Tyler, then Paul, and Bayli, then Michael, then Krista, Morgan, and then Thierstan.. basically I can’t remember who else was there and not there, but it was practically our whole group just relaxing and talking. Then Lori came over and we asked her to finish her, “you were born then what happen..” story.
It was awesome, just like a lot it was going to be. Plus, it was really encouraging. I asked if she ever imagined that she would be in a place like Africa or a missionary, and she said no. She said she would have NEVER guessing that. She said that when she Spencer and Emily and were talking to them about Africa, God just spoke to her. She felt a spiritual calling that Africa was where her family needed to be. (She said it was one of two she has ever had in her life.. well I think at this strong of a level). She said she just knew. And she said that Africa has shaped her, her marriage, and her family into more than she would have ever thought possible. Africa has been this complete saving grace and blessing in her life.
I wonder if that was God trying to tell me something. I know he planted this seed in my life for a reason. Maybe I’ll find out tomorrow, when I get back, or maybe 20 years from now, or maybe never. But in His time He will reveal His will and plan.. I’m not worried. I’m just encouraged to hear that it’s not always a missionary gene you are born with..
After talking with Lori it was time for dinner. Yum. Then after dinner we all hung out and talked and then decided to look at the stars (even tho there weren’t many of them). We all laid down in a long row.. played a few games of ‘telephone’ and just laughed it up. It was a good time just to relax and hang out with each other. Then it was off to bed with the sounds of the flowing water right outside our door. It was peaceful… just like God first created.
You don't know if it was peaceful when God created it... He could have been playing loud dance music in the background... just a thought